Heat Compression

Using a warm compress along with an ocular massage that utilizes air pressure is a popular method among optometrists to boost tear production and enhance eye moisture. Try the Tracout Eye Massagers for a variety of massages including kneading, trigger point therapy, oscillating pressure, and rhythmic tapping. These massagers also feature a built-in heating pad that maintains a cozy temperature between 38°C and 45°C, which is excellent for reducing eye fatigue, tightness, soreness, blurriness, dark circles, puffiness, dry eyes, and more!

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Powerful Eye Massager

Built-in 500 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery that fully charges in just one hour, allowing for multiple massages throughout the day. It features intelligent multi-frequency vibration massage that mimics the touch of a human hand, targeting 9 acupoint groups around the eyes to relax them effectively.

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Acupuncture Points

The Tracout design is specifically crafted to help you rejuvenate after extended periods of screen time by massaging key acupoints. Fully relax and experience a more restful sleep with refreshed eyes.

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